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date of implementation中文是什么意思

用"date of implementation"造句"date of implementation"怎么读"date of implementation" in a sentence


  • 实施日期


  • Regional restrictions on foreign - funded wholesaling commercial enterprises shall be cancelled from the date of implementation of the present measures
  • Mr tam said , " this deduction applies in respect of contributions made on or after december 1 , 2000 , the date of implementation of the scheme .
  • The initial rate of lpa will be set at the prevailing rate payable to an officer in the respective pay bands at the date of implementation
  • Article 52 the presidential order for promulgation of the law shall set forth the enactment organ , the date of adoption and the date of implementation
  • Advance the requirement of conducting the first privacy compliance audit of the credit database to 6 months after the effective date of implementation
    B )将首次对信贷资料库进行私隐循规审核的日期提前至计划生效日期后的六个月。
  • Mr tam went on to say that since december 9 , 2000 , the date of implementation of the government s electronic service delivery system , individual taxpayers have been able to use the system to file their property tax returns and individual tax returns electronically
  • Its programme of proposals to be implemented including commencement dates of implementation , and for each proposal , whether it is to be implemented by way of a development scheme under section 22 or by way of a development project under section 23
用"date of implementation"造句  
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